This week the news has been focused on discoveries of bones and DNA testing being done on bone fragments. In Aruba, a jawbone has been discovered and is now being tested to determine if it belongs to Natalie Holloway who has been missing since May 2005, several years now. In North Carolina, bones have been found and are being tested to see if they belong to Zahra Clare Baker, a 10 year old little girl who has been missing for just over a month. Just a couple of weeks ago in my own hometown, the remains of an acquaintance of mine were discovered in a corn field after she had been missing for close to a month.
To most people, I'm sure that discovering human bones would seem to be a grizzly nightmarish occurence. However, when a person or child has been missing for quite some time, the discovery of those bones becomes a blessed event. The person can finally be brought home for burial, the family can start to heal instead of wonder and worry about where their loved one is, and answers are found to the many questions surrounding the disappearance, the death, etc.,
I read a book a few years ago that really tugged at my heart and soul. I'm not sure if it was because I had already faced this issue about 20 years ago when a close friend of mine disappeared and her remains were not found for about six weeks. It was torturous and absolutely no one should have to be subjected to such an ordeal for a family member or friend.
I personally believe that all young people should be required in middle school to read "The Lovely Bones", I truly believe it might help to keep our young people a little bit safer in this day and age. No one could read and study this book and not keep in mind the dangers we live with in our towns and neighborhoods. Perhaps it would help keep our young ones a little more aware of their surroundings and the people around them.
My thoughts and prayers go out to the families of Natalie Holloway and to Zahre Baker. May God keep their souls wrapped in his arms and show them love forever!!
Just Me Granny D
As the writer of many different types of blogs, I found I wanted a personal blog where I can express my opinions on everything from politics to religion to grandchildren to my pets. So this is the Just Me Granny D blogspot.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Sunday, November 14, 2010
CLIP0239 - Catfishing
Ole Tom
Soft shades of pinks and purples,
Dance upon the lake -
The sun slipped low beneath the horizon,
His nap to take.
The faint whisperings of a soft breeze
Beckoned me to linger still -
And bask in the bossom of Mother Nature,
Tranquility to feel.
Then the bell jingled - -
And my lazy muses were interrupted -
I found suddenly
A life or death struggle had erupted.
Startled, I jumped up -
Just as he pulled me.
He ran hard from side to side -
And adrenaline ran free.
Oblivious to my surroundings,
I focused only on the battle;
We fought - back and forth
As dusk did settle.
Towards dawn he grew tired -
Wearily I claimed victory.
There was Ole Tom -
On my line in all his glory.
Tired, limp and I thought, dying;
This mythical catfish, legendary at least -
Gave a sudden jerk - Splash!
And back home went the beast.
Yes, a night well spent -
Though no fish to take home;
But memories will abound
Of a night with nature and Ole Tom.
by: Deborah J Coster (that's Just Me Granny D)
Just Me Granny D
Just Me Granny D
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
It's Election Day, 2010!!!
It's election day, 2010!!! Have you voted yet? I'm on my way to the polls as soon as I post this! I have no idea who might win, what changes might be in the forecast; I can only hope that people get out and vote and this nation finds it's way out of the turmoil it has been lost within!
I don't care who you vote for! Just get to the polls and vote your conscience and beliefs! Together we can find a way through to the sunny side again and maybe can once more obtain the nickname of Camelot!!
Just Me Granny D
I don't care who you vote for! Just get to the polls and vote your conscience and beliefs! Together we can find a way through to the sunny side again and maybe can once more obtain the nickname of Camelot!!
Just Me Granny D
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Election Day 2010 Coming In With A Roarrrrr!!!!
Election Day 2010 is approaching quickly and coming in with a roarrr from Mama Grizzlies across the nation. As we all know, a mother grizzly bear can be quite ferocious if she perceives a threat to her babies, her family, her territory! And ladies and gentlemen, mothers throughout this great nation of ours don't just perceive a threat to their babies, families and homes, but we see it surrounding us daily!
Whether the threat is that of unemployment, home foreclosure, loss of insurance, schools closing and teachers laid off, child care stopped, gas prices rising, elderly parents medicare cuts, rising housing costs, no rise in cost of living for social security recipients when all their expenses continue to rise through the cloudy skys, facing deportation from the land of the free because of no legal paperwork, or which of the many clear and present threats and dangers we face in our lives daily; mothers from each and every state, province, territory and community are rising up to say, "WE HAVE HAD ENOUGH!" -
I personally cannot say that I am for the Democrats, Republicans, Tea Party, Liberalist, Green Party, or whatever any party chooses to call itself. I am very independent on what I believe and how I choose to vote. I vote my conscience, my heart, and my beliefs! I don't care what party a candidate belongs to or doesn't belong to. If I believe in what they say and how they have performed in the past, then I will vote for them!
What do I believe in? Well I don't believe in putting a whole country at war with another country for one's own personal grudge and agenda! I don't believe in paying our elected representatives their salary for life! I don't believe in building huge expensive and outlandish sports facilities, water parks, and all sorts of recreational facilities while we close schools, lay off teachers and are negligent in educating our children! I do believe we have a responsiblity and duty to care for the elderly - they have worked their entire lives for extremely low wages, usually no benefits, paid into a social security account faithfully, and deserve to retire with dignity and the knowledge that their social security and medicare will take care of them as they were promised all those years they paid into the fund.
I believe in the right to keep and bear arms! I believe in the right to hunt and fish for food, to protect my family, my home and my self!! I try to have two deer in the freezer each year, along with fish, squirrel, rabbit and of course my garden fruit and veggies. We know that if we have two deer in the freezer, then our family - children and grandchildren will have food to eat for the winter! I don't believe in hunting just for the sport of it unless the meat from the hunt is donated to a food bank or community kitchen!!!!!
I believe in God! I believe each and every one of us has the right to choose and decide what we believe in and how we choose to exhibit or practice those beliefs. I don't believe that I should push my religious beliefs upon someone else and I don't think anyone else should try to push their religious beliefs down my throat either!! But there is a difference in pushing religion and being respectful of everyone's right to practice a religion of their own choosing!!!
I think that education and health care are two areas where this country would be better served with a socialistic system with national standards, national curriculums, and the Department of Education would be revamped with a focus on new and better teaching and learning techniques nationwide! Too many schools are being closed, too many teachers laid off, school room sizes growing, student and teacher ratios not at maximum achievement level, too many kids on streets rather than in schools, and a school system nationwide which presently does not work!!!!
Healthcare is ridiculous in our wonderful U S of A! Doctors and hospitals everywhere cater to the insurance companies which have business majors making healthcare decisions and over-ruling the opinions of our Specialists! Just imagine, a kid goes to college and studies business management, accounting, advertising, business law, etc., gets his degree in business management and finds a job with an insurance company. Next thing you know this same kid who has never had a single medical class of any kind and no medical training, - this kid is suddenly thrust into a position of approving or denying medical treatments, medications, surgeries, etc. for people nationwide with numerous, varying health conditions - some of which the kid has never heard of before - but it is now up to him to decide if each will receive the proper care and meds the doctors prescribe, or is he going to deny what may be a life saving procedure or med to someone because he judges it to be too costly for the company's bottom line!! I don't believe that this above scenario is the right way for our country to allow insurance companies to practice, yet they do it daily!
And then there are those who have no insurance - no money = no healthcare!
Children living in streets, under bridges, in sewers, in the woods and trees, in boxes, sick, hungry, helpless and homeless!!!! So by all means, we should as a community help to clean up our community and take care of others - my own communities answer to this was to enact a law making it illegal to sleep outside anywhere within the city limits, - that's in a park, on a bench, in a yard, in a car, on a corner, anywhere - and that's for children and adults alike!!! We bus our homeless now to a convenient out of town shelter house every evening so that visitors to our city won't have to view the ugliness that goes with this economy and the city!!! I personally don't believe that is the way to go - but I am but one voice of many.
This one voice of many has decided to roar along with the rest of the roaring mama's throughout this nation!!! I really don't care who you choose to vote for on election day as long as you get out and vote your conscience, your heart, and your soul!!!! It is time we let God back into our schools, our government, our lives - they have definitely all gotten out of control since we decided to try to take God out of everywhere - afterall we are "One Nation Under God. . ."
So now election day 2010 is just around the corner - only 5 days away! Do you know who you are going to vote for? Do you really know where those candidates stand and what they believe in and who has beliefs and priorities which are the closest to yours? Hope you do - if not, then take the next few days and discover who you really want to have making decisions which directly impact you, your family, your home, your future, your very life and livelihood!
Have a good election day and great life!
Just Me Granny D
Whether the threat is that of unemployment, home foreclosure, loss of insurance, schools closing and teachers laid off, child care stopped, gas prices rising, elderly parents medicare cuts, rising housing costs, no rise in cost of living for social security recipients when all their expenses continue to rise through the cloudy skys, facing deportation from the land of the free because of no legal paperwork, or which of the many clear and present threats and dangers we face in our lives daily; mothers from each and every state, province, territory and community are rising up to say, "WE HAVE HAD ENOUGH!" -
I personally cannot say that I am for the Democrats, Republicans, Tea Party, Liberalist, Green Party, or whatever any party chooses to call itself. I am very independent on what I believe and how I choose to vote. I vote my conscience, my heart, and my beliefs! I don't care what party a candidate belongs to or doesn't belong to. If I believe in what they say and how they have performed in the past, then I will vote for them!
What do I believe in? Well I don't believe in putting a whole country at war with another country for one's own personal grudge and agenda! I don't believe in paying our elected representatives their salary for life! I don't believe in building huge expensive and outlandish sports facilities, water parks, and all sorts of recreational facilities while we close schools, lay off teachers and are negligent in educating our children! I do believe we have a responsiblity and duty to care for the elderly - they have worked their entire lives for extremely low wages, usually no benefits, paid into a social security account faithfully, and deserve to retire with dignity and the knowledge that their social security and medicare will take care of them as they were promised all those years they paid into the fund.
I believe in the right to keep and bear arms! I believe in the right to hunt and fish for food, to protect my family, my home and my self!! I try to have two deer in the freezer each year, along with fish, squirrel, rabbit and of course my garden fruit and veggies. We know that if we have two deer in the freezer, then our family - children and grandchildren will have food to eat for the winter! I don't believe in hunting just for the sport of it unless the meat from the hunt is donated to a food bank or community kitchen!!!!!
I believe in God! I believe each and every one of us has the right to choose and decide what we believe in and how we choose to exhibit or practice those beliefs. I don't believe that I should push my religious beliefs upon someone else and I don't think anyone else should try to push their religious beliefs down my throat either!! But there is a difference in pushing religion and being respectful of everyone's right to practice a religion of their own choosing!!!
I think that education and health care are two areas where this country would be better served with a socialistic system with national standards, national curriculums, and the Department of Education would be revamped with a focus on new and better teaching and learning techniques nationwide! Too many schools are being closed, too many teachers laid off, school room sizes growing, student and teacher ratios not at maximum achievement level, too many kids on streets rather than in schools, and a school system nationwide which presently does not work!!!!
Healthcare is ridiculous in our wonderful U S of A! Doctors and hospitals everywhere cater to the insurance companies which have business majors making healthcare decisions and over-ruling the opinions of our Specialists! Just imagine, a kid goes to college and studies business management, accounting, advertising, business law, etc., gets his degree in business management and finds a job with an insurance company. Next thing you know this same kid who has never had a single medical class of any kind and no medical training, - this kid is suddenly thrust into a position of approving or denying medical treatments, medications, surgeries, etc. for people nationwide with numerous, varying health conditions - some of which the kid has never heard of before - but it is now up to him to decide if each will receive the proper care and meds the doctors prescribe, or is he going to deny what may be a life saving procedure or med to someone because he judges it to be too costly for the company's bottom line!! I don't believe that this above scenario is the right way for our country to allow insurance companies to practice, yet they do it daily!
And then there are those who have no insurance - no money = no healthcare!
Children living in streets, under bridges, in sewers, in the woods and trees, in boxes, sick, hungry, helpless and homeless!!!! So by all means, we should as a community help to clean up our community and take care of others - my own communities answer to this was to enact a law making it illegal to sleep outside anywhere within the city limits, - that's in a park, on a bench, in a yard, in a car, on a corner, anywhere - and that's for children and adults alike!!! We bus our homeless now to a convenient out of town shelter house every evening so that visitors to our city won't have to view the ugliness that goes with this economy and the city!!! I personally don't believe that is the way to go - but I am but one voice of many.
This one voice of many has decided to roar along with the rest of the roaring mama's throughout this nation!!! I really don't care who you choose to vote for on election day as long as you get out and vote your conscience, your heart, and your soul!!!! It is time we let God back into our schools, our government, our lives - they have definitely all gotten out of control since we decided to try to take God out of everywhere - afterall we are "One Nation Under God. . ."
So now election day 2010 is just around the corner - only 5 days away! Do you know who you are going to vote for? Do you really know where those candidates stand and what they believe in and who has beliefs and priorities which are the closest to yours? Hope you do - if not, then take the next few days and discover who you really want to have making decisions which directly impact you, your family, your home, your future, your very life and livelihood!
Have a good election day and great life!
Just Me Granny D
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Funeral Planning / Memorial Help: Free Tributes, Community, Funeral Home Ratings on
No one wants to think about funeral planning, memorials, tributes, etc. However, it is a subject that each and every one of us has to deal with at some point in our lives and someone will have to deal with when we come to the end of our lives unless we have taken care of the arrangements ahead of time.
In this day and age there are alot of details to be considered when one passes on. What about all those online accounts they had. Is there money online somewhere that should be taken care of, are there bills online that need paid, are there monthly paid accounts that need closed? What about the Facebook account and the twitter account or My space account. Do those friends need to be advised and those accounts need closed. How do you go about doing that? Where are all the accounts and the account info to be able to access them and close them out?
Otrib is a site that offers help and answers to these questions and more. They also offer the option to set up a tribute page to a loved one that has passed on. For great advice and information on much needed planning by all of us, check this site out.
Funeral Planning / Memorial Help: Free Tributes, Community, Funeral Home Ratings on
In this day and age there are alot of details to be considered when one passes on. What about all those online accounts they had. Is there money online somewhere that should be taken care of, are there bills online that need paid, are there monthly paid accounts that need closed? What about the Facebook account and the twitter account or My space account. Do those friends need to be advised and those accounts need closed. How do you go about doing that? Where are all the accounts and the account info to be able to access them and close them out?
Otrib is a site that offers help and answers to these questions and more. They also offer the option to set up a tribute page to a loved one that has passed on. For great advice and information on much needed planning by all of us, check this site out.
Funeral Planning / Memorial Help: Free Tributes, Community, Funeral Home Ratings on
Friday, October 15, 2010
Sharron Angle Biography | Sharron Angle for U.S. Senate
Meet another mama bear running for Senate. Sharron Angle, who squared off with Reid in a debate last night, grew up in rural Nevada. She has two children and several grandchildren. Experienced with government, rural issues, juvenile issues, education and the list goes on, Sharron is one more "Mama Grizzlie" fighting for her family, her home, her country and her beliefs. Gotta yell YeeHaww for another Redneck Woman
Sharron Angle Biography Sharron Angle for U.S. Senate
Just Me Granny D
Sharron Angle Biography Sharron Angle for U.S. Senate
Just Me Granny D
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Comfort Dogs for Children and Victims in Courtrooms
I just watched a video of a Tulsa Oklahoma courtroom that the prosecutor's office has a comfort dog which comes to court with victims and children. There are 14 other states which offer comfort dogs for victims and children while testifying in courtrooms. A great use of animals to help people. THere is a video that tells about the program - I believe all states, all prosecutor offices, all courtrooms should become educated about this program and try it.
Just Me Granny D
Just Me Granny D
Kristi and her family at the Racota Valley Ranch. (Kristi's Mom Corinne, Robb, Kristi, Cindy, Rock and her dad Ron.)

Kristi Noem - Hunting, Ranching, Mothering and now Campaigning!
One of the nation's redneck women hollering Yee Hawww!! As another Redneck Woman
Just Me Granny D
Gretchen Wilson - "Redneck Woman"
Gotta love it!!! Watching the national news and seeing all the redneck women with their camies and guns, talking politics and running for office. Mothers who ride horses, hunt for food not just for sport or to shoot a friend and leave the scene, balance their checkbooks and manage to save back a little for a rainy day, know about the cost of healthcare, mothers who are fed up with the muddled job our male counterparts have been doing with running this wonderful country of ours, mothers and every Redneck Woman
all over this country are speaking up and declaring their views, ideas, and intentions of taking over the decision making. Gotta love it and gotta be for it!!!!! Yee Haww!!!!!!
Gretchen Wilson - "Redneck Woman": "Here For The Party"
Just Me Granny D
Gretchen Wilson - "Redneck Woman": "Here For The Party"
Just Me Granny D
Monday, October 11, 2010
Everything Halloween with Just Me - Granny d: 'SNL' Does The Best Parody Of Christine O'Donnell'...
Everything Halloween with Just Me - Granny d: 'SNL' Does The Best Parody Of Christine O'Donnell'...: "'To Be or Not To Be, That is the question!', that popular phrase really fits today's politics and the politicians of today trying to decide ..."
I originally wrote this piece for this blogspot but instead decided to put it on my Halloween blogspot with the other witch and goblin pieces of the time! The link above will take you to the piece and to the SNL parody of this mother entering politics with the exclamation - "I am not a Witch . . . I am you!" Well, she isn't me, how about you? Check my link out above and my other blogspots - some hopefully you will find interesting while others hopefully are funny and yet others helpful! Enjoy!!!!
Just Me - Granny D
I originally wrote this piece for this blogspot but instead decided to put it on my Halloween blogspot with the other witch and goblin pieces of the time! The link above will take you to the piece and to the SNL parody of this mother entering politics with the exclamation - "I am not a Witch . . . I am you!" Well, she isn't me, how about you? Check my link out above and my other blogspots - some hopefully you will find interesting while others hopefully are funny and yet others helpful! Enjoy!!!!
Just Me - Granny D
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Welcome everyone - this is the newest addition to my various blogspots. There are so many different things I want to blog about and not everything fits neatly into a pigeonholed topic of a specific blogspot - therefore, I have decided to start this site - Just Me Granny D - my personal blogging site where i will give my personal two cents worth on a wide assortment of topics and issues.
Advice - I might give some but will probably just give my opinion and recommendations and links to other sites that offer better advice on a specific topic or more information than what I personally have. But I guarantee I will be sounding off my opinions and reasons for those underlying opinions.
Life has lessons for all of us to learn. Our lives are formed daily by those lessons and how well we learn what we are suppose to from different situations which arise in our personal lives. Those life lessons will be the cornerstones of this blogspot - at least my own personal life lessons will be - I encourage all to comment and send in requests or opinions for subjects that you would like to see covered here.
In the meantime, welcome to my newest baby in the blog family. My promise to you is this, I promise to nurture and care for this baby and to encourage it to grow into an amazing blog!!! Be sure to join us for this transformation and growth!
Advice - I might give some but will probably just give my opinion and recommendations and links to other sites that offer better advice on a specific topic or more information than what I personally have. But I guarantee I will be sounding off my opinions and reasons for those underlying opinions.
Life has lessons for all of us to learn. Our lives are formed daily by those lessons and how well we learn what we are suppose to from different situations which arise in our personal lives. Those life lessons will be the cornerstones of this blogspot - at least my own personal life lessons will be - I encourage all to comment and send in requests or opinions for subjects that you would like to see covered here.
In the meantime, welcome to my newest baby in the blog family. My promise to you is this, I promise to nurture and care for this baby and to encourage it to grow into an amazing blog!!! Be sure to join us for this transformation and growth!
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