Thursday, October 7, 2010


Welcome everyone - this is the newest addition to my various blogspots.  There are so many different things I want to blog about and not everything fits neatly into a pigeonholed topic of a specific blogspot - therefore, I have decided to start this site - Just Me Granny D - my personal blogging site where i will give my personal two cents worth on a wide assortment of topics and issues. 

Advice - I might give some but will probably just give my opinion and recommendations and links to other sites that offer better advice on a specific topic or more information than what I personally have.  But I guarantee I will be sounding off my opinions and reasons for those underlying opinions. 

Life has lessons for all of us to learn.  Our lives are formed daily by those lessons and how well we learn what we are suppose to from different situations which arise in our personal lives.  Those life lessons will be the cornerstones of this blogspot - at least my own personal life lessons will be - I encourage all to comment and send in requests or opinions for subjects that you would like to see covered here.

In the meantime, welcome to my newest baby in the blog family.  My promise to you is this, I promise to nurture and care for this baby and to encourage it to grow into an amazing blog!!!  Be sure to join us for this transformation and growth!

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