I grew up couponing and saving stamps. My Mom saved the yellow Top Value stamps from Kroger. I saved the S&H green stamps from other places. Every year at Christmas, my two brothers and I were given the Top Value stamp catalog to pick out the things we would like to get for presents. We each usually could spend one book of stamps each. That was back in the late 50's and the 60's.
Today, the economy has taken a backwards turn and once more people are saving stamps, joining store reward programs, looking for rebates and sales, and clipping coupons. I had never stopped! As far as I am concerned, I was raised to know the value of those coupons and stamps. They meant the difference in what we could afford to eat, where and what we could do, and whether there were presents for Birthdays and Christmas. Our entire lifestyle was dependent upon my Mother's wages and stretching those meager wages with stamps, sales, rebates and coupons!!!
I raised my family the exact same way. I clipped coupons, saved UPC codes, collected boxtops, mailed in rebates, shopped night owl special sales and did anything possible to stretch my actual wage dollars. By doing so, we ate better, enjoyed more activities, dressed better and were able to have a better life than if I had just depended upon my income from working.
It is not difficult or time consuming nowadays to take advantage of couponing. With the advent of the internet, there are now coupon sites online where one can print the coupons they want each month, or other sites where you can download your coupon to your reward card for a specific store in order to use it with your card at the store automatically. No more forgetting to take your coupons with you, they are automatically on your keychain reward card!!!
For further savings, many stores offer double and/or triple coupon days. Find out if your store does this and what their schedule is for doing so. Some stores have a double/triple coupon weekend once a month. This is the perfect time to take advantage of using some of those smaller value coupons, such as the ones for 25 cents off or 40 cents off. Most stores double or triple coupons whose original value is 50 cents or less. That makes those smaller cent coupons become large savings on products and on some will make the item actually free. A point to remember is that stores usually only double or triple manufacturer's coupons not their own store coupons.
Store reward cards are a great way to save. Yes, the store is collecting information concerning your personal buying habits with these cards, however, through the use of that information they are able to offer you special savings and coupons tailored to meet your buying preferences and habits. I receive a coupon pack in the mail monthly from Kroger with coupons specific to items I normally buy there. This is their way of showing customer appreciation and a great way for me to save more money. Other store reward cards I have offer cash back on purchases, coupons which can be downloaded to the card, gas discounts and a wide variety of ways for me to make my money stretch so that I can now spoil my many grandchildren!!!
A friend of mine has for the past couple of years tried using couponing to fund her vacations. It has worked great for her and she has enjoyed a couple of great vacations!! She started taking the amount she saves on her grocery bill with coupons and depositing that amount in a savings account each week. She can afford to do that - some of us can't, but it's a good idea for those that can. She then uses the amount she has saved each year for her vacation fund. She went on a Disney Cruise Vacation this year!!!!
Couponing is a practice that I highly recommend to all. It can stretch dollars, allow one to afford a better healthier diet, and enhance one's lifestyle. For the few minutes each week that it takes to look through the coupons offered by your stores and online couponing sites, the difference it can make is amazing. Try it - I guarantee you will find that regularly using coupons, rebates, mail-in offers, reward cards, etc., will make a difference for you in today's economically challenged world.
Just Me Granny D
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