Monday, February 6, 2012

Living to Die, Dying to Live

Are we all really equal?  Two definitive facts say we are.  Each of us were born into this world.  And second, each of us were born to die.  To the essence of are we all really equal, well each of us are living to die, dying to live and in those aspects we are all definitely equal.

It is what we do with the life we are given that makes everyone unique and each life a gift and creates so called inequality.  The lessons of life for each of us are the same yet different in the methods used to teach each individual.  For some the true meanings of grace, humility, respect, generosity, compassion and the many other lessons are easily learned.  Others have a difficult time with various aspects and are doomed to repeat mistakes until the specific lesson is mastered.

Living to die is what all of us do daily yet not many of us actually live as if each day might be the day that we reach the goal for which we were born - dying.  If everyone were to live each day as if it might be there last, I wonder how much more love and compassion might be showering upon each of us.  How many arguments might be averted and how many family dinners would be shared?

Everyone is dying to live their life as they want to live it.  Exactly how is that going to be?  How has that been?  If the Dr walked in and told you that you had one week to live, would you be dying to live?  Would you be making major changes to your lifestyle or would you be confident that you have been living to die and are ready to meet your maker on the other side?

After all, if we are dying to live, then we should definitely be living to die!

Just Me Granny D

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