Back to the Country
After living the past eight years in an area that is neither suburbia or rural but rather an area that had been rural but is becoming the suburb craze of the area, we have moved back to the real country. I am in such a remote location that my address is not available to GPS, Google Search can't locate us, I can't subscribe for internet or cable service, coyotes are running around in my yard and the woods and ponds are my nearest neighbors!
I love living in the country. Plenty of room for a good garden this year, persimmon trees and berry bushes are abundant, squirrels and rabbits play all day outside my windows, mallard ducks fly in twice a day to swim and eat their fill of fish, tree toads and crickets sing me to sleep at night – all are some of my favorite things in life! The big red-headed woods cocks (looks like giant woody the woodpeckers) are everywhere. A beautiful golden falcon flies across my front deck about 4:30 every afternoon trying to catch him a squirrel. So much nature to see and experience here.
Horses and dogs have been the center of my life for the last eight years, and even though I could see birds, raccoons, ground hogs, muskrats, skunks, deer, etc., - it was nothing compared to the daily surprises I see here in the woods. Camera, where are you? I promise you are going to be kept busy while living here!!!
Peace to everyone, love to all and I promise I will get to town and on the internet to post updated blogs about the country life and to post lots of photos at least once a week! In the meantime I am still trying to get some company to tell me they can push the internet signal out here to me! (Whatever happened to Obama's call for the internet to be made available to all US citizens?!?)
Update: The telephone company has ran a qualification test on the phone lines out here – they tell me they can only get 768kbs internet connection to me until they replace the existing lines out here with new lines which will be capable of running higher speed dsl and/or fiber optics. They are currently in the process of running new lines to all their customers and it is scheduled for completion by 2020 – our area will be one of the last areas that is scheduled to be done as we are on what they call an ACU cliff -(don't have any idea what that means except I know that I do live on the side of a hill) – anyway, the lines are old enough they can't support any faster speeds of internet! The only other options for internet service out here is through direct satellite link from Hughes Network or Big Blue – waiting to hear from them about if their satellites can locate me here or not! Remember, google can't! Anyway, for now I am on the internet with my cell phone and once a week I will take my laptop to town and upload what I have written that week. So – have a good week everyone!
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